This city would be perfect, just look at the math!
Letter No. 110: Includes urban planning, virtuous philosopher-kings, some snark aimed at productivity schemes, and the first-ever appearance of a colossally abundant number.
Book report for January 2025
Letter No. 109: Includes spies, grifters, scenesters, and acts of literary mimesis.
The sad and perplexing tale of Morgan Cornwell
Letter No. 108: Includes ancestry, battlefield surgery, and more mention of Indiana than customary.
Best of the reading year 2024
Letter No. 107: Includes two reading lists, 11 books, and wistful remembrance of an assignment that never happened. And repetition of the word “verve.”
The mystery in the beauty, the beauty in the mystery
Letter No. 106: Includes beach grass, Hebrew and ancient Greek, an unhelpful definition of fields, and vortex shedding.
Book report for November 2024
Letter No. 105: Includes literary prepping for Antarctica, essayism, and some very weird physics.
Can your AI chatbot flatter me as well as Perplexity?
Letter No. 104: Contains content generated by a codestack exhibiting fine taste in literature and some confusion as to who’s who.
It takes 100,000 years to produce so much beauty
Letter No. 103: Includes some faux Latin, references to German philosophy, and a plethora of inadequate adjectives.
Book report for October 2024
Letter No. 102: Murderous Vikings, the lowdown on notebooks, and stuffed parrots of disputed provenance.
Now what.
Letter No. 101: This should be fun.