Alaska I — The totem carver
In some of my pictures, he looks carved in wood himself. Sturdy, upright, weathered, silent. Like a totem pole, full of stories. Eighty-five and still making art. Ars longa, vita brevis. Yes, but frequently misunderstood.
That kid trying to zip his coat
How often can one distracted writer yearn to be a 4-year-old trying to zip his coat?
Okay, so maybe I won’t win the Booker
Or, where did this skin on my neck come from?
There is a sentence that keeps sneaking into my mind:
The book report for May 2023
Or, memories, dystopia, and...what were we talking about?
Bought more books than I read, but what else is new?
The one obligation of Memorial Day
It is Memorial Day in the United States, a national day of remembrance for those who have fallen in the
Clade longa, vita brevis
Or, the maddening persistence of defeat
Esteemed reader, Dr Essai has been traveling, which accounts for the paucity of missives
Dante’s nine circles of hell, updated
Dr Essai has been brooding on an update to the esteemed poet’s nine circles of hell. The result may be less than a foundation for epic verse, but at least he feels better.
The book report for April 2023
Or, an unusually poetic and Danish list this time
April was a good month for books completed. The Olga Ravn
I have known some baffling people. Then there’s Jerry Springer.
Life is a long strange trip. I have never understood the mayor-turned-sleazemeister and I never will.
“Life may be the art of bridging lonelinesses”
Maria Popova:
This may be the most haunting and most transcendent discovery for any of us who seek and savor