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Grumps produce the best lists

Grumps produce the best lists

Whatever your age, the rest of your life is all you’ve got, so it’s worth thinking about. We embrace a core paradox: Though life has no intrinsic meaning, we can and should lead meaningful lives. If you have any hope of living a meaningful adult life, the one vital question is, “How do I live?”
4 min read
If you already know what “opsimath” means you can skip this one

If you already know what “opsimath” means you can skip this one

The doctor fancies himself an opsimath because he now wants to understand things that take 70 years of life to fathom, 70 years of intellectual crop rotation.
4 min read
Let’s resolve to do it some more

Let’s resolve to do it some more

The doctor does not have goals. The doctor has a life and an intention. The latter is to spend as much of the former as possible reading, thinking, and writing.
2 min read
Dr Essai wishes you a warm and peaceful holiday season

Dr Essai wishes you a warm and peaceful holiday season

All the best for the holidays, friends, and thank you thank you thank you for reading.
1 min read
Those profound moments when someone does something wondrous with a ball

Those profound moments when someone does something wondrous with a ball

The thoughtful fan faces a daily dilemma derived from what he or she knows about professional sports.
3 min read
Be happy, don't worry, and don't try to write about it

Be happy, don't worry, and don't try to write about it

For reasons that ever elude me, I find it much easier to craft language to convey anger or sadness or poignancy or fear than to convey simple joy.
4 min read
On Christopher Columbus's diary

On Christopher Columbus's diary

Or, somebody's mom just threw out history When wind and current and vague navigation brought Cristoforo Colombo to
5 min read
On birds, Low Country sun, and waiting for the sublime

On birds, Low Country sun, and waiting for the sublime

They fly with grace and a lovely sinuous curve of the neck. Then they land like drunken doofuses. As they slow near the ground, they are barely in control of their own bodies, like a cyclist losing the stability of momentum.
2 min read
An addendum to what the gods do not confer

An addendum to what the gods do not confer

By this point Gene Kelly could have settled for doing what his adoring public expected — dancing like Gene Kelly for the remaining years of his career. But he didn’t.
4 min read
On being a gentleman well unread

On being a gentleman well unread

Why have I read On the Road, twice, but not Jane Eyre or Don Quixote? Why The Thirty-Nine Steps and Three Men in a Boat but not David Copperfield or Pride and Prejudice? I’ve no idea.
3 min read