
In the Reactocene, no one can hear you scream

In the Reactocene, no one can hear you scream

Dr Essai observes that digital technology, plus the tireless and unselfish work of cynical opportunists in politics and business, has ushered in a new social epoch.
5 min read
Those profound moments when someone does something wondrous with a ball

Those profound moments when someone does something wondrous with a ball

The thoughtful fan faces a daily dilemma derived from what he or she knows about professional sports.
3 min read
In regard to feeding the right wolf.

In regard to feeding the right wolf.

Anger comes armored with a silent lie: Cultivate me, wield me, and you may gain something large and lasting beyond the ordinary. Cynical opportunists know this and turn it against us. Why else would every moral runt grasping for power promise to fight for us?
2 min read
On the modern state of intellection, part two.

On the modern state of intellection, part two.

What dooms us to generation after generation of sad goofiness is not a lack of intelligence but a fundamental Faustian bargain: witless obedience in exchange for the emotional reassurance that comes with group identity. We'd rather belong than think.
2 min read
On the modern state of intellection, part one.

On the modern state of intellection, part one.

In accounting for such abundant dumbness, some of it banal, much of if dangerous, one is tempted to shrug and explain it all by writing off people as simply stupid. But they are not stupid.
4 min read