
That kid trying to zip his coat

That kid trying to zip his coat

How often can one distracted writer yearn to be a 4-year-old trying to zip his coat?
5 min read
Shame on you, Atticus Finch!

Shame on you, Atticus Finch!

The blue jay is a magnificent bird, the punk rocker of the feeder with its crest of blue feathers standing straight up on its head, brash and raucous as it takes the stage, loud as the Ramones.
2 min read
You’re good to go, Cortés; you too, John Winthrop

You’re good to go, Cortés; you too, John Winthrop

Viking raiders in the 8th and 9th centuries left no evidence that they ever bothered to rationalize pillaging the British Isles. Seven centuries later, something had changed.
4 min read
If you already know what “opsimath” means you can skip this one

If you already know what “opsimath” means you can skip this one

The doctor fancies himself an opsimath because he now wants to understand things that take 70 years of life to fathom, 70 years of intellectual crop rotation.
4 min read
Let’s resolve to do it some more

Let’s resolve to do it some more

The doctor does not have goals. The doctor has a life and an intention. The latter is to spend as much of the former as possible reading, thinking, and writing.
2 min read
Be happy, don't worry, and don't try to write about it

Be happy, don't worry, and don't try to write about it

For reasons that ever elude me, I find it much easier to craft language to convey anger or sadness or poignancy or fear than to convey simple joy.
4 min read